Keep Calm.

Graduation is happening in less than three months. Most of my friends graduated this spring, so if you're reading this and are graduated, feel free to reply with your thoughts. I've been thinking a lot about what life is going to look like after homework and with the addition of a full-time job. I keep saying to myself, Finally, time to do all those things I haven't had time for while studying 24/7. 

To me, graduation looks like more time to pursue writing, hobbies, people, Jesus, sleep, work, and church community. It also looks like more monetary responsibility, less easily obtainable community, and loads more time that I will have to choose to be intentional with. Sometimes I wonder if I'll have so much time that I won't know what to do with myself. For instance, a graduated friend texted me today and said she had reached the pinnacle of her unemployment this afternoon and had watched Zoboomafoo with her dog on the couch. On the flip side, however, this same friend has taken advantage of pursuing various hobbies and has been running, reading like never before, and cooking the loveliest things. The other day she made me a dessert with some sort of warm, homemade vanilla bean glaze poured over strawberries. It was beautiful.

At other times, I get concerned that working a job forty+ hours a week will be exhausting. A couple of my friends haven't been hired at full-time positions quite yet and have been juggling several jobs at once. It's hard for me to imagine waitressing, freelancing, nannying, and whatever else all at the same time (those are my imaginary post-grad, pre-career jobs).

I'm also praying a lot about what type of job to apply for. So many options and unknowns. I don't feel worried about getting one because I know the Lord will provide for me no matter where I work or don't. I just know a season of decisions is now upon me, and while I generally feel good about what I decide, it often takes me a long time to make the actual decision.

If you're graduated, what's life like for you? Different from your expectations? Exceeding your expectations?