Tighten Up


There is nothing left in our living room except for the couches, some lamps, the vacuum, and random plastic bags. The walls are bare except for the nails where our pictures hung and scuff marks that we are going to soap down tomorrow. It's our second-to-last night here, and there are mixed feelings all around. I'm tired, and my car is crammed full of boxes and plants and an end table. Tomorrow I have to call Dirk, our landlord, and I have to call the Internet company so they can send me a sticker to put on the box so that I can mail the modem back to them. I changed my address with USPS last night, so that was exciting. We made a giant pile of things to bring to the Goodwill in the last two days, and Drew helped us donate the bikes on the balcony too. It was nice to sit with him and Elsie at LeeAnn Chin's after and talk about where our new haunts are going to be (we figured if we meet in the middle, we'll end up somewhere on the east side of Minneapolis). Those are the mundane details of my last several days. Here's some move-out music that's been helping with the packing. So long and goodnight.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flkByutsgTg&w=420&h=315]