It's the Weekend!

eb2061eee6ae5eb755f96a143168387fDo you have fun plans this weekend? I'm taking a writing class at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and hoping to try my hand at some poem and essay-writing later in the evening. Also headed to a sweet, little gift exchange at a cozy restaurant in Uptown with the Tapestry Magazine team. We're celebrating months of work on the flagship print issue, Eden, to be released in January. Exciting! Enjoy all these links, and have a sweet weekend. 1. A merry guide to an imperfect holiday.

2.Appetites: Is fine dining dead in Minnesota?

3. The best ways to fake a clean house. (via)

4. Are you holding yourself back?

5. Drew and I think we need a few sacrificial items lolz.

6. Fill in the awkward lapses of conversation with this or this. (via)

7. I've always wondered which rolling pin is best.

8. A much better way to board a plane. (via)

9. "So far, this December is not just warm. It's creepy warm."

10. I'm all for inspirational notes. This could be a nice gift. (via)

11. Eeep!! So excited for this. Could be great, could be terrible. No middle ground.


Photo: Chickadee Nest