Weekend Favorites

a8c2ab087792cfabfdfea71e6424e15d It's almost the weekend! What are you up to? Drew and I are maybe/hopefully/fingers crossed purchasing a car tonight! It's waiting for us in Rochester, and we just have to give it a good test drive before we make things official. The rest of the weekend I'm hoping to straight up chill with my family (they're coming for dinner tomorrow!) and cozy up next to the fireplace with a warm drink. Have a wonderful rest of your Friday!

1. Do you get stumped by some of the more obscure emojis on your iPhone keyboard? Look them up in Emojipedia.

2. One of my favorite annual gift guides.

3. Babies named after Instagram filters. (via)

4. This tea makes our office smell good so say my coworkers.

5. A little Nick Offerman for the frigid nights when all seems lost.

6. Oh, this is good for us directionally challenged ones! (via)

7. Struggling with forgiveness? I've been working through this concept the past couple weeks. I like these quotes from the article: "If I forgive someone, it feels like I’m also saying that the other person had the right to do me wrong. That doesn’t feel right. But it’s a real feeling." and "When you don’t forgive, you draw the curtains in your soul and your life gets dark."

8. Kids draw monsters, and artists recreate them in their own styles. So fun! Makes me think of Monsters, Inc. (via)

9. Pretty gifts for foodies for under $30.

10. Reeses cleverly defends their Christmas tree blobs. (via)

11. Not only does this movie look great, but my friend Ashley wrote a great essay on it.


Photo: A / Journal & Collection